

Caturra Honey

– Data Sheet

Region: Palestina, Huila – Colombia
Farm: El Mirador
Altitude: 1.550 – 1.750 m.a.s.l

Varieties: Caturra
Drying: Sun-dried under Canopies
Processing: Honey

Notes: Sugarcane Candy, Honey, Mint and Lemongrass
SCA Score: >86

Farm Info

El Mirador, located in Palestina, Huila, Colombia, is owned by Elkin Guzman. The farm grows a variety of coffee plants, including Catiope, Mokka, Gesha, Bourbon, Caturra, and Tabi, a variety developed by Cenicafe in 2020. With 13 years of experience, Elkin and his team focus on improving coffee quality for consumers worldwide. The 31-hectare farm benefits from sandy-loam and clay-loam soils, using semi-shade systems to optimize temperature and photosynthesis.

Processing Method

With the Caturra Honey the coffee selected for this process goes through sieves to be selected by hand, removing underripe or overripe cherries, being very selective with the highest quality fruit to start the process.

The selected coffee is deposited in cherry in plastic barrels for a period of 96 to 120 hours aerobically before being pulped and dried for a period of 18 to 25 days.

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