Cold Fermentation in Coffee

Cold fermentation can be described as a slowed-down version of traditional fermentation in coffee, whether washed or naturally processed. In this method, the de-pulped beans or coffee cherries are not left to ferment at an ambient temperature but are instead placed in a refrigerator or cold room in order to extend the fermentation period.

This unique fermentation method was inspired by the wine industry’s practice of temperature control during fermentation.

With this method of fermentation, coffee cherries with higher Brix degrees can be harvested whereas with any normally washed or naturally processed coffees, the higher the Brix, the higher the chances of defects, but the slower fermentation in cooler temperatures allows for the preservation of the sweetness from the extra sugars without the risk of spoilage from over-fermentation. This extended fermentation period leads to the development of more intricate flavours in coffee.

Rodrigo Sanchez and Elkin Guzman are also famous for their Cold Fermentation processes and they have both spent years perfecting these methods as the process posed initial challenges, which were eventually overcome by finding the ideal balance between the initial degrees Brix of the harvested cherries and the fermentation temperature for fermentation. They discovered that this extended fermentation period led to the development of more intricate flavours in the coffee and allowed them to achieve the desired level of consistency and complexity of flavour in the cup.

We have the following coffees available that underwent a cold fermentation;



Elkin Guzman: El Mirador, Pitalito, Huila.
Rodrigo Sanchez: Monteblanco & La Loma, Pitalito,Huila.